The best of Svalbard Tour

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I am delighted that I have a chance to work back in Svalbard again. In this trip, we had a lot of fantastic moment with wildlife.

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-Watching about 200 humpback whale, Fin Whale, Mike Whale together

-Watching a polar bear in very close distance.

In this trip, we always have a burst of good sunshine all the time. Therefore, everyone enjoys the excursion and each landing very much.


For me, as a guide, I feel very stress to carry a gun and take care of some Asian tourist. Indeed, I think challenging to connect to the place when I am working as a guide. But, I should think positively that I am fortunate to be there too.

In this trip, we visited three main islands in the group consisting of Spitsbergen (the most significant island), Nordaustlandet and Edgeøya. Each island landscape is breathtaking and amazing. In this trip, I learnt a lot of geography from my lovely co-worker too!


However, working in the polar region long enough, I do miss the green landscape with blooming flowers very much.


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